About Me

How I work

There are different theoretical modalities in counselling to gain an understanding of a client’s emotional world. I trained as an integrative counsellor which offers the flexibility of integrating different theoretical approaches which can be tailored to suit your needs. I draw on theory from Person Centred and Transactional Analysis.

Whilst theory informs my counselling practice and it can be useful to bring some aspects of this into sessions, I will not generally bombard you with technical language and terms. I will help you to focus on your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. This can enable you to develop a better understanding of yourself, and to make any changes that you may wish to. Counselling with me is client led and I will work with you regarding the issues you want to talk about and explore.

Professional qualifications, training and experience

  • Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling.
  • TA 101 Official Introduction to Transactional Analysis.
  • Level 2 Certificate in Awareness of Mental Health Problems.
  • Experience facilitating an adult depression and anxiety group.
  • Experience as a volunteer in a Youth Counselling Agency.

Professional membership

BACP logo

I am a Registered Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (‘BACP’). The BACP is a professional membership association for counselling professionals in the UK. I follow their Ethical Framework for Good Practice .

As part of my commitment to working ethically as a counsellor I attend regular supervision, continuing professional development events and training.

I am registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (‘ICO’) the body which regulates data protection in the UK. My registration number is ZB427480 . Please refer to my Privacy Notice for more information on how I handle your data.